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What colors enlarge the space?
Are you tired of feeling crowded in your home? Would you like to have more space without having to move to a bigger house? The solution may be simpler than you think. It's about the color! With the right color choices, you can achieve a visually larger space in any room and make the most of the space you have. But which colors enlarge the space? This is where the experts come into play.

How color affects the perception of space

The first and most important tip that experts give us about using color to maximize your space is to think about how color affects the perception of space. Some colors can make a room appear larger, while others can make it appear smaller and crowded. For example, light colors such as white, light gray and light blue can make a room appear larger and more spacious. On the other hand, dark colors like black, brown and dark blue can make a room look smaller and more crowded.

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