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5 steps to paint with interior colors
Interior paints, step one: Use either a high-quality synthetic bristle brush that is the right size for the job or a short wool roller for the best finish on smooth surfaces. Choose a roller with a longer nap length for textured surfaces to ensure even and full coverage.
Interior paints, step two: Use a paintbrush to paint corners, edges, and areas that cannot be reached with a roller. Avoid overloading the brush with paint, which can cause drips and splatters. Then proceed to using a roller, making sure it is full of paint and spreading it across the wall working diagonally and using even strokes, covering areas of about 1-2m at a time to maintain a wet edge.
Interior Paints, Step Three: After applying the first coat of masonry paint, you will need to allow it to dry thoroughly before applying the second coat, which will take anywhere from 4 to 6 hours. Try to finish an entire section of the wall before stopping so the finish isn't patchy and you're not left with a line where the paint has dried.

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