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4 Exterior house colors
The colors you choose for your home's exterior paint can reflect your personality, so it's important to take the time to find the right colors. When it comes to exterior house colors, there are a few that stand out as the most popular choices.

Here are four exterior house colors that are great choices when it comes to exterior house paint:

White: White is a classic choice that has been used for centuries. It gives your home a clean and crisp look and is ideal for both traditional and modern style homes. White also pairs well with almost any color, making it easy to add a pop of color to your home's exterior.
Grey: Gray is a great way to add a modern and contemporary style to your home's exterior. It gives your home an elegant and sophisticated look and also goes well with a variety of colors.
Blue: The blue. From deep navy blue to bright sky blue, there is a variety of shades to choose from. Blue pairs well with both warm and cool colors and is a great way to add some personality to your home.

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