I cut out the rice paper I have chosen and glue it to the surface. I make sure the side surface is even with the rest of the box. I prime with gesso the top surface and two of the sides that I want to decoupage. I stick on top the rice paper I have chosen and on the sides one with similar colors to make a beautiful contrast!!! On the other two sides I choose two matching colors from the maxi decor chalky paint range. Here I have chosen the petrol and the rotten apple!! I pass the petrol first and dry. Then I put aging wax in some places and dry with cold air. I apply the second color and dry again with cold air. I rub lightly with sandpaper in the places I want. I decorate the corners of the box with wooden corners that I painted with antique gold metal paint No. ME 105 and with the same color with a stamper I emphasize details. On the top of the box I decorate with a rubber watch after I first painted it with the rotten apple chalk and wiped it with a baby wipe!!!

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Read also  Wall Calendar with the Decoupage Method
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