]Steps to complete the method
1) I prime my surface with GESSO primer.
2) I stick my rice paper up and down with Decoupage glue.
3) I dry and sand the excess.
4) I decorate with metallic paint the gold Antike 105.
5) I pass the rice papers with water varnish to protect them.
6) I patina the whole thing and wipe with a damp cloth.
7) I highlight the corners to make shadows.
8) I paint the tires like wings, heart, butterfly with the analogs
colors that the rice paper has.
9) I wipe with a damp cloth so that the color stays inside
his relief.
10) I stick with hot glue and highlight with gold finger patina.
11) Finally with Glitter Pen I highlight details on the words and the
clothes of angels.
And our frame is ready!!!

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

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